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1968: The Year That Changed Everything

1968:The Year That Changed Everything
“everybody feels the evil, but no one has courage or energy enough to seek the cure”
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
You ever wonder how we got here? It’s unnerving to say the least…different and not in a good way. Where did we get off track?
Readers embark on a compelling journey through one of the most tumultuous periods in modern history. The climactic events of 1968 set in motion a new and dramatic direction that has changed the course of human events
1968 was a a year marked by social upheaval, political unrest, and cultural revolution. From the civil rights movement to the anti-war protests, from the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy to the student uprisings across the globe, the year 1968 witnessed a series of seismic shifts that reverberated around the world.
In its aftermath, the repercussions of these events continued to unfold, shaping the course of history and influencing the world we live in today. From ‘The Population Bomb” and Humanae Vitae , to “Limits to Growth” and “Roe vs Wade”; we have walked into the unknown.
In this illuminating exploration, “1968: The Year That Changed Everything” you’ll begin in the year 1968, and step-by step, year-by year journey milestone events that continued to unfold- changing our world today!